Adopting A Dog Doesn't Make You A True Pet Owner

If you’re the kind of person who crosses the street to pet a stranger’s dog, you’ve probably considered more than once before adopting a dog. Your friends told you countless times that you would make the perfect dog owner. You love pets so much that it makes no doubt you’d be the ideal match for a rescue dog or a cute puppy. However, adopting a dog can completely transform your lifestyle. You are about to discover a range of new responsibilities. Pet owners have to be ready to look after their furry friend, and it’s the most significant difference between a pet adopter and a sensible owner. The health and wellbeing of your dog depend on you. Ask yourself: Can you commit, or do you prefer limiting your interactions to casual petting in the street?

Many pet owners are irresponsible

You love your furry baby, and you want to keep him happy. However, be careful not to overfeed your dog. Indeed, according to vets, half the dogs are overweight, but their owners refuse to acknowledge the problem. You might think that you’re doing your dog a favor, but being too indulgent when it comes to food can have dramatic consequences. Just like people, obesity in dogs can affect their skeleton, joints, and cardiovascular health, without mentioning the fact that it significantly shortens their lifespans.

Don’t forget the flea collar

Flea collars can seem like a waste of money, but the technology has become a lot more effective in repelling and killing fleas on the skin and hair. Different collars target flees through different stages of life, from young to adults. Collars that repel prevent your dog from experiencing bites, which can lead to inflammation and even cause serious illness. Others only stop fleas from reproducing. Typically, ignoring flea prevention can lead to skin irritation and allergic reactions, which you will need to treat with specialist medicine such as Apoquel 16mg. Unfortunately, many city owners ignore the risk of fleas. However, fleas can survive in town as much as in the countryside. Preventive protection is a no-brainer.

No, buying toys doesn’t replace exercise

You can’t just buy your dog a ball to keep him busy during the day and pretend that everything is fine. Your pet can get bored during the day. Leaving him alone in your house while you’re at work is likely to lead to costly damages – from chewed shoes to destroyed sofas. When dogs lack exercise, they can exhibit patterns of bad behavior. Additionally, playing with your dog is more than a form of entertainment. It helps your pet to socialize, to release tension and to stay fit. It’s part of the natural bond you build with your dog, and, unfortunately, it’s not something you can replace by buying a few tennis balls.

Yep, your pet can get sick

Everybody can get sick, and that includes your pet. As a result, you can’t afford to skip pet insurance cover. Veterinary costs can be significant. If you don’t want to be one of those pet owners who abandon their dogs because they can’t afford to pay the vet bills, insurance is the way to go.

Becoming a pet owner is hard work. Of course, it is rewarding to have a dog. But you need to do what it takes to become the best owner your dog can have.


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