10 best bridge cameras to capture that picture perfect moment

By Sonia Klug  Independent

Whether it’s for capturing wildlife or stunning holiday snaps, invest in a versatile piece of kit

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Bridge cameras emerged in the Eighties, positioned between point and shoot compacts and the larger and more complex SLRs. 

Much has changed since, but bridge cameras are still a good choice for photographers who want a straightforward camera with a versatile zoom lens, all in one convenient package. 

They open up a greater variety of subjects – close and far – and come into their own in wildlife and (amateur) sports photography.

Many bridge cameras come with long zoom ranges, which are all given in their 35mm equivalent (or what the focal range would be on a full-frame DSLR). 

Anything below 36mm is considered “wide angle” and the lower this number, the more it allows you to get into the frame. With 24mm focal length, for example, you can get a decent shot of the interior of a medium-sized room. 


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