Best Test Automation Tools to Look for in 2019

Are you looking for a test automation tool to implement automation in your organization? This article brings to you a list of the best tools to look for in 2019. Just go through the list to choose a tool to meet your testing goals this year.

Software testing has come a long way with the introduction of automation and organizations across the globe are switching to automation to increase test coverage and reduce the time to market. As a result, test automation tools have emerged as the new “must haves” for every organization. The advancements in the field of software development have given rise to new challenges in testing and the new age test automation tools have introduced new and advanced features to cater to the changing requirements.

In other words, the devices have become smarter and this demands for the QA tools to be smart too. Here are 6 test automation tools to look for this year. Some of these tools are open source while the others are commercial, but what they all have in common are the features that you need “right now” to make software testing in your organization a success.

1] Test Complete

Type: Commercial

Test Complete is a functional automated testing platform developed by SmartBear Software. The tool is divided into 3 modules – desktop, web and mobile – and each module allows creation of automated tests specific to that module.

Key Features:

  • Can be used for mobile & desktop apps, Web UI and API
  • Supports Windows platform
  • Supports Python, JScript, Delphi, VBScript, C#, and C++ languages
  • Based on keyword-driven framework


2] QARA Test

Type: Commercial

QARA Test stands for Quality Assurance with Rapid Automation and is a test automation tool developed by The Digital Group. The tool offers a complete test management solution as well as an add-on that is available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Key Features:

  • Supports multi-browser and multi-platform testing
  • Generates graphically represented reports for in-depth reporting & analytics
  • Offers seamless integration with JIRA, SauceLabs & other popular tools
  • Based on keyword-driven framework.


3] Katalon Studio

Type: Open source

Katalon Studio is a free automated testing platform developed by Katalon LLC. The software comes with a specialized IDE interface for Web, mobile and API testing.

Key Features:

  • Supports Windows, Linux & OS X platforms.
  • Can be used for mobile apps, Web UI and API.
  • Supports Java Groovy language.
  • Offers built-in project templates and SDLC integrations.


The Final Word:

Every test automation tool listed above is a testing powerhouse. However, each one is different and is intended to cater to a different requirement. While some of them offer integrations with all the popular tools out there to increase the scope of QA within the same platform, others offer support for multiple languages and/or browsers and platforms. ThereforeScience Articles, it is recommended that you analyze your testing goals before you choose one.


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