Taking Steps Towards Becoming an Employer
Setting up a small business is no easy feat. When you first start out, you tend to take on the majority of work associated with setting up independently. You identify a gap in the market and come up with a product concept to fill it. You conduct market research to determine whether there would be demand for what you have to offer. You come up with a brand name and a brand aesthetic. You take out copyright or trademarks on these things. As time goes on, you might accept a little help from freelance individuals. You’ll probably give learning CSS and HTML a miss and call in the help of a professional web designer instead. You’ll engage with a professional product photographer to take appealing images of your stock. You might even outsource a marketing campaign to get things off the ground. But at some point, you’re going to have to take on some more permanent help, otherwise you’re not going to be able to keep things ticking over. This means becoming an employer. Now, becoming an employe...